Family Law
Meet Amir John Showrai
Can I receive permanent maintenance if I haven't been in the workforce for decades?
How do you create an effective parenting plan
What happens when a parent abducts a child to the U.S. from abroad?
When was Wechlser Becker founded?
About Wechsler Becker
If move out of state for a new job, will I lose custody?
What property issues might arise in high net-worth cases?
Meet Michael Louden
Is our community property still divided 50/50 if my spouse has a lot of separate property?
When and for how long is temporary maintenance awarded?
Meet Douglas Becker
What's your experience as a lawyer?
What are examples of complex property issues in divorce?
If child support is set out in state guidelines, isn't it all cut and dry?
Do fathers have an equal change at custody?
My spouse won't agree to anything. What can I do?
Meet Franni Turean
Will my husband be required to pay child support if he lost a high paying job and is still unemployed?
Can I prevent my ex from moving out of state when we share custody?