Transportation Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Services Provided to Transportation Industry

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Our transportation law department handles all sorts of matters for the transportation industry whether it is strategic questions, whether it’s representing them and defending them in litigation or pursuing claims on their behalf. We represent trucking companies and their drivers in personal injury actions and wrongful death cases. We also represent the trucking companies in pursuing property damage cases. Whether that’s damage to their vehicles, their trailers, or the cargo that’s involved in an accident or in transit. And so, we will come in and either defend the company or pursue a subrogation claim on their behalf. And the subrogation claim may involve pursuing the property damage as a result of an accident. Someone has to pay for the damage to the truck and if there’s a at fault third party that’s a certain possible recovery. Or if there’s damage to the cargo whether it’s a cargo or freight claim you can try to recover on behalf of the company in those cases.

Minneapolis, MN commercial litigation lawyer Lauren Nuffort talks about what kind of services she handles for the transportation industry

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