Sex Crimes Attorney in Englewood, Colorado

Can you tell us about a memorable CO sex crime case you handled?

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sex crime case that I handled

involved a man in his mid-20s who had


and he found himself in a conversation


with a law enforcement officer from

Homeland Security

and the homeland security officer we

were able to demonstrate to the court

and to the prosecution entrapped uh this

gentleman who had autism by saying she

would have a relationship with this man

if he’d have a relationship with her

young daughters who are underage the

federal government charged that case

they wanted to give my client in that

case 25 years we eventually resolved the

case with a guilty plea where my client

ended up with probation at the

sentencing hearing the government was

asking the federal judge for a 25-year

sentence that we were asking for

probation ultimately in that case the

judge gave my client probation

Denver, CO criminal defense attorney David Lindsey tells the story of a memorable CO sex crime case he handled. He explains that I had the opportunity to handle a sex crime case involving a young man in his mid-20s who had autism. The case unfolded when he engaged in an online conversation with an individual he believed to be interested in a relationship. However, it turned out that the person on the other end was an undercover Homeland Security officer. Through our diligent efforts, we were able to demonstrate to the court and the prosecution that this individual was entrapped by the officer. The officer had manipulated the situation by suggesting a relationship in exchange for involvement with her underage daughters.

The federal government pursued charges against my client, seeking a sentence of 25 years. However, we reached a resolution through a guilty plea. As a result, my client received probation instead of a lengthy prison sentence. At the sentencing hearing, the government pushed for the 25-year term, while we advocated for probation. In the end, the judge agreed with our position and granted my client probation, recognizing the unique circumstances of the case.

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