Criminal Defense Basics Attorney in Englewood, Colorado

Should I allow CO police to search my vehicle?

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you should never give consent for the

police to search your vehicle and if

they have a warrant that’s a whole

different story but if they do not have

a warrant and they’re asking consent

even if you have nothing illegal in your

car you have the absolute right to say

no I don’t want you to search my vehicle

and that’s what you should do

Denver, CO criminal defense attorney David Lindsey discusses allowing the. CO police to search your vehicle. He explains that it is important to understand that you have the right to refuse consent when the police ask to search your vehicle, especially if they do not have a warrant. Regardless of whether you have anything illegal in your car or not, you have the absolute right to decline their request to search. It is advised to exercise this right and respectfully state that you do not consent to a search of your vehicle.

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