Products Liability Attorney in Columbia, South Carolina

What types of dangerous product cases have you handled?

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you know products liability can Cover

the Waterfront really of any sort of

product that a consumer could pick up at

a grocery store or at a Lowe’s or a Home

Depot or you know anything really but a

couple of examples uh that folks have

probably heard of would be like Roundup

for example they it’s alleged that

Roundup can cause cancer and we’ve had a

number of those cases that we’ve

litigated successfully uh to a

resolution the CC powder ovarian cancer

cases is another example hernia mesh

cases where mesh has been used to repair

hernas that turns out to be defective

and can actually eat into the bowels of

the person uh that has received that

product that’s another case where we

represent numerous people but uh another

example of products liability case that

would be unusual would be a playground

equipment we’ve handled uh cases where

children minors have been injured and uh

playground equipment that was designed

in a in a dangerous uh manner which you

know as a father is a nightmare scenario

for me uh to think that uh you know I

send my child to school and there’s a

defective piece of equipment on the

playground where he’s supposed to be

having fun and he wounds up becoming

injured those can be very scary cases

from the perspective of of a lawyer but

also you know a father as well

Columbia, SC personal injury attorney Graham Newman talks about the types of dangerous product cases he’s handled.

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