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What should financial planners know about estate planning?

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financial planners should know about

estate planning that

bilsky Chapman looks at this as a team

approach any individual that has

assets or family members to be

successful you need a team and that team

often includes financial advisors

accountants life insurance agents

attorneys all of those professionals

work together to create a comprehensive

plan for the client estate planning for

financial advisors is important because

while the financial advisor is concerned

about maximizing returns and increasing

net worth that is only one small part of

an estate plan and likewise we want to

help clients accumulate assets and grow

their assets and a tax advantage basis

but there’s more to an estate plan than

just finances there is care for loved

ones there’s care for children that are

under 18. there might be special desires

such as pets or certain heirlooms of a

family that go beyond just the financial

planning and aspect of a plan I think

it’s very important that a finance

planner understands that it estate

planning is a team approach

and that they need to work with a

competent attorney in order to

effectuate the goals and desires of the

Chicago, IL estate planning & probate attorney John N. Bielski II discusses what financial planners should know about estate planning. He explains that financial planners should have knowledge about estate planning, which Bielsky Chapman considers a team approach. To be successful in creating a comprehensive plan for clients with assets or family members, a team that includes financial advisors, accountants, life insurance agents, and attorneys is necessary. While financial advisors focus on maximizing returns and increasing net worth, it is only a small part of an estate plan. Estate planning involves caring for loved ones, children under 18, and special desires such as pets or family heirlooms that go beyond financial planning. Therefore, financial planners need to understand that estate planning is a team approach and work with a competent attorney to achieve the goals and desires of their clients.

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