Name Change Attorney in Naperville, Illinois

What is the legal process for changing your name in Illinois?

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so name changes are can be really

exciting because they help a person

um their name reflects who they are you

know and there’s lots of different

reasons why people change their names

but it’s a pretty straightforward

process and

um there’s it’s not much required from

the person you wanted to change the name

except for you know photo identity

documents with their present name but

the process itself is you know it can be

so significant to a person’s life but

the process can be pretty

straightforward fast we take the client

we file the petition we get them through

the whole process there’s things like

publishing uh there’s just little steps

that go along the way and culminates in

a court hearing

um sometimes the judge will want to

approve up and there might be a little

bit of testifying by the person wanting

to change their names but it’s it’s a

relatively simple process and it can be

really rewarding for clients

Naperville, IL family law attorney Jacqueline Helm discusses the legal process for changing your name in Illinois. She explains that name changes can be a highly meaningful and exciting process as they allow individuals to align their identity with who they truly are. People choose to change their names for various reasons, and fortunately, the process itself is generally straightforward. The person seeking a name change typically needs to provide photo identification documents with their current name, but beyond that, the requirements are minimal. We assist clients by filing a petition and guiding them through the entire process, which may involve steps like publishing notices. The culmination is a court hearing where the judge may inquire or require some testimony from the individual. Overall, it is a relatively simple and rewarding process for clients to undergo.

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