Motorcycle Accidents Attorney in Boston, Massachusetts

What is your experience in Massachusetts motorcycle accident cases?

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we handle a lot of those cases those

injuries are sometimes very terrible

cases we’ve had several cases in which

there’s been amputations those are

probably the hardest cases because

you’re never going to compensate someone

for losing a limb but it’s a reality and

we see it and we have to work hard to

make sure that we’re looking at all

possibilities for coverage with policies

in Massachusetts it could be a situation

where you have a very minimal policy in

which case it those are the worst cases

that I handle in my practice it’s when I

have to advise somebody that there’s a

minimal policy it’s the cases where we

find the coverage that’s available for

these seemingly horrific injuries that

we tend to see

Boston, MA personal injury attorney Colleen Santora discusses her experience in Massachusetts motorcycle accident cases.

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