Elder Law Attorney in Niles, Illinois

What does “spend down” mean in relation to Medicaid planning?

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you may have heard the term spend down

it’s been used frequently

and what that means is you have

an amount of assets that currently

exceeds the guidelines for eligibility

with a Medicaid Program in your state

so to become eligible for this program

you would need to spend down your assets

now spending down assets is talking

about reducing your assets

however you cannot reduce your assets in

all ways and still remain eligible

that’s the tricky part if you give away

your assets that’s not going to work out

but there are ways you can spend down

your assets so that you are eligible for

Medicaid benefits

and some examples of that would be using

your resources to pay for goods and

services that you can use let’s say you

want to remodel your home let’s say you

need a new car let’s say you want to

spend your money setting up your burial

plan or or

arranging for whatever your decisions

are regarding your final arrangements

post-def so those are all sorts of

things that you can spend your assets on

and they’re not going to impact your

benefit eligibility for Medicaid

Niles, IL estates & probate attorney Dana Zivkovich discusses what “spend down” means in relation to Medicaid planning.

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