Elder Law Attorney in Niles, Illinois

What is elder law?

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elder law is a broad term these days

used to describe all of the issues that

fall under the umbrella of

things that can happen to an elderly

person historically the population is

living longer than ever and

we have a number of issues that have

come up in the last few decades that are

very specific to an elderly person elder

law issues

are going to include things like nursing


personal injury cases

violations of privacy

elder abuse


emotionally Elder neglect financial and

long-term care considerations for an

elderly person as well as Elder

exploitation Elder exploitation is

a huge problem today

it’s astonishing elderly people are

vulnerable and there are people out

there that prey on this kind of victim

it’s important to talk

about these issues with someone who has

experience and a specialized knowledge

about how to deal with these issues

because they get very complicated very


Niles, IL estates & probate attorney Dana Zivkovich talks about elder law.

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