Workplace Injuries Attorney in Encinitas, California

What happens if you get injured in the workplace?

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well if you’re injured in the workplace

uh everybody knows that you probably

have workers compensation available to

you but what a lot of people don’t

understand is that there could be

liability against uh a third party which

in that situation could be the a

subcontractor who is not your employer

while you’re on the job it could be any

number of factors that uh contributed or

were a substantial factor in causing

your injury Beyond just being on the job

and having that workers’s compensation

coverage uh so it’s important to consult

with an attorney and allow them to

explore the possibility of a recovery

that would provide a much larger

financial recovery than just the workers

compensation benefits

Encinitas, CA personal injury attorney Jeffrey Padilla talks about what happens if you get injured in the workplace.

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