Truck Accidents Attorney in Encinitas, California

Can you tell us about a memorable trucking accident case you handled?

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sure so Trucking accidents um are always

serious just by the nature of the the

size of the vehicles involved and uh a

memorable case I had recently was uh a

driver was rear-ended uh by a semi on

the freeway after coming to a stop for

traffic now the the driver of the truck

alleged that our client cut him off and

slammed on their brakes Now using

the data from both the truck and the car

we were able to take that to an expert

who could create an animation that

showed the testimony of the driver was

just not feasible uh it couldn’t have

happened the way that the truck driver

said it and in fact our client was

stopped for several seconds uh before he

was rear ended by the truck and that uh

obviously undermined their case and we

quickly settled after that was


Encinitas, CA personal injury attorney Jeffrey Padilla talks about a memorable trucking accident case he handled.

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