Workplace Injuries Attorney in Los Angeles, California

$2.5 Million Recovery for Injured Worker: The case of the faulty hatch

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The Charles Donahue case we were able to settle for $2.5 million. And that was a really interesting case because it involved a roof hatch that came down on top of an air conditioner worker who was climbing up onto a roof to service an air conditioner. Now most of the time work related accidents are workers comp cases and lawsuits aren’t brought. But sometimes they can be brought and his case is a good example of it. We were able to show that the property owner that owned this bank building should have known that that hatch was a problem. And as a matter of fact, probably did know. And they hired a property management company to handle the maintenance of that building. So we were able to successfully sue the property owner and the maintenance company for their failure to keep that place safe. So for a worker who’s coming onto the property he or she has the right to assume that property’s safe for him to do what he’s been called to do. And if it’s not, and a worker’s hurt on the job they might have rights just like Mr. Donahue did so they should explore those too.

Los Angeles, CA personal injury attorney Thomas Johnston talks about a case he worked on involving a man servicing an air conditioning unit who was injured by a roof hatch. He explains that the Charles Donahue case resulted in a settlement of $2.5 million. This case was particularly intriguing as it involved an incident where a roof hatch fell on an air conditioner worker who was ascending a roof to perform maintenance. Typically, work-related accidents are handled through workers’ compensation claims, and lawsuits are not pursued. However, there are instances where legal action can be taken, and this case serves as a prime example.

We were able to demonstrate that the property owner, who owned the bank building, should have been aware of the hazardous condition posed by the roof hatch. In fact, it is highly likely that they were already aware of the issue. Additionally, they had enlisted the services of a property management company to oversee the maintenance of the building. Consequently, we successfully filed a lawsuit against both the property owner and the maintenance company for their failure to ensure a safe environment. When a worker enters a property to carry out their job, they have the right to expect a safe working environment. If this expectation is not met and a worker sustains injuries, they may have legal rights similar to Mr. Donahue’s. Therefore, it is crucial for workers who experience on-the-job injuries to explore their options and protect their rights.

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