White Collar Crime Attorney in Palm Harbor, Florida

What makes white collar crime cases different from other criminal cases?

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paper evidence or electronically stored

information that will be used in the

case as evidence

against the client

these are typically large

caches of data

that will be have to be reviewed in

Discovery and the need to provide an

outside electronic service

provider to house that data so that the

attorney can go through that evidence

and call it appropriately White Collar


typically need


to be retained early on including

forensic experts economists or I.T


there’s a potential for

great publicity and white collar

offenses white collar crime offenses and

the guidelines for sentencing

in White Collar cases are heavily driven

by the alleged loss amounts

in the crime which impacts the

sentencing upon the defendant

Palm Harbor, FL criminal defense attorney Robert D. Eckard discusses what makes white collar crime cases different from other criminal cases. He explains that in white-collar cases, both paper evidence and electronically stored information play a crucial role as evidence against the client. These types of cases often involve substantial volumes of data that need to be thoroughly reviewed during the discovery process. To handle such data effectively, it may be necessary to engage an external electronic service provider to store and organize the evidence for the attorney’s examination. Additionally, white-collar cases typically require the early retention of experts, including forensic experts, economists, and IT specialists, to provide specialized insights and analysis.

White-collar offenses often carry the potential for significant publicity due to their nature. Sentencing guidelines in white-collar cases are heavily influenced by the alleged loss amounts associated with the crime. The magnitude of the alleged losses can impact the sentencing decisions for the defendant, making it a crucial factor in the legal proceedings.

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