Products Liability Attorney in Oklahoma CIty, Oklahoma

Can you tell us about a memorable products liability case you handled?

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liability we represented a

a young wife

her husband had an insulin pump and it

had been recently recalled

it had a problem with it all right and

after investigating we felt like it was

pretty clear that that insulin pumps

failure caused his death he died during

his sleep he was a young man had a bunch

of kids and it was a devastating body

blow to that wife and those children we

were able to investigate and determine

through the use of appropriate expert

witness testimony that it was the

product that actually killed this

gentleman and we were fortunately able

to resolve that before having to go to

trial but we’ve handled innumerable

products cases from I’ve had all kinds

of oil field devices Packers blowout

preventers tubing and pipe that has

failed we’ve done a lot of products

liability in the oilfield setting

because Oklahoma is a is a major oil and

gas producing state so we see a awful

lot of that kind of thing we’ve had also

vehicular products cases we’ve had parts

of automobiles or trucks that have

failed rigs have fallen over all those

kinds of things you know we’ve had a

trailer for example is pending right now

a trailer came loose and went across the

interstate and hit a totally innocent

couple driving down the road very

serious injuries and we believe that

product is defective now we’ll see how

that turns out it’s in the very early

stages but behind every accident there’s

either somebody that did something wrong

and it could be either side or something

went wrong with the product and that

just takes a lot of hard work and you

got to have the right expert witnesses

to help you figure out what happened and

then you got to present it to the jury

in a way that makes sense

Oklahoma City, OK personal injury attorney Reggie Whitten tells the story of a memorable products liability case he handled. In a products liability case, he and his team represented a young wife whose husband had been using an insulin pump recently recalled due to a known issue. Tragically, the husband passed away in his sleep, leaving behind a grieving wife and children. After conducting a thorough investigation, they were reasonably confident that the insulin pump’s failure had directly caused his death. This presented a heartbreaking situation.

Utilizing expert witness testimonies, they were able to establish, through meticulous investigation, that the product was indeed responsible for the gentleman’s demise. Fortunately, they managed to reach a resolution before proceeding to trial. Throughout his career, he has handled numerous products liability cases, spanning various industries and scenarios.

These cases have included defects in oil field equipment, such as packers and blowout preventers, as well as failures in tubing and pipes, given Oklahoma’s prominence in the oil and gas sector. He has also dealt with product liability cases involving vehicles, where parts of automobiles or trucks have malfunctioned, sometimes resulting in accidents like toppled rigs.

He shared an ongoing case involving a trailer that dislodged and crossed the interstate, colliding with an innocent couple, causing severe injuries. They believe that a product defect played a role in this incident. Determining the cause behind each accident requires a significant amount of diligence and the involvement of expert witnesses to decipher the intricacies of what transpired.

Ultimately, presenting these complex cases to a jury is a challenge that he and his team take seriously, as they work diligently to convey the circumstances in a clear and comprehensible manner.

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