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What are some of the most common mistakes lawyers make regarding ethics and professional responsibility?

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with lawyers has become a major area of

our practice and it arose because for

many years I have worked with lawyers

and they saw me as a go-to person for

advice well when we opened here in

silver 17 years ago now I discovered

that lawyers were thrilled to be able to

consult with us and we provide all types

of ethical guidance for them but what we

see at the core is that they have not

either documented their activity enough

or they haven’t taken all of the steps

that you easily can Overlook at the

beginning of a relationship you have a

fee agreement an engagement letter you

have to monitor everything from your

trust account to your Communications and

your filings and lawyers tend to take a

lot of that for granted but it’s those

details that can ultimately the

difference so that you don’t get into

disciplinary trouble that they don’t


um you know further representation which

we can provide but you want to avoid

that or foresee it so we work with firms

we do everything from helping them draft

or revise their fee agreements with

their clients and their engagement

letters to Preparing them with best

practices in terms of how they handle

things and sometimes we work with them

we’re often co-counsel we like to think

of it as helping lawyers with the

matters that would otherwise keep them

up late at night we’re the people who do

that and it’s not going to keep us up

late at night so it’s a whole Continuum

of areas plus we have a niche and we’re

one of the few law firms in the country

that practices in an area that we in

many ways help develop called techno

ethics which is the intersection of

ethics and technology and cyber security

so we are regularly consulted by law

firms about those types of issues

everything from how do we protect client

data from hackers uh to how to you know

do Advanced testing and things and we

work with other Consultants who help

with that so unlike a lot of other

lawyers who may be able to just deal

with the ethical issues that they face

or the disciplinary we can go a step


um because we’re acknowledged experts in

the area of technology and cyber

security and I probably lecture 20 or 30

times a year on cyber security issues

and ethics just for lawyers

Havertown, PA personal injury attorney Daniel J. Siegel talks about some of the most common mistakes lawyers make regarding ethics and professional responsibility.

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