Slip & Fall Premises Liability Attorney in Havertown, Pennsylvania

What are the biggest challenges you face in premises liability cases?

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cases which most people call slip and


relate to injuries that people suffer

often slipping and falling but that can

come from a variety of things when

they’re on a property you know they

could be at a store and they fall on

something they could be out in the wet

bad weather and slip on Ice any of those

types of things and the toughest part of

those cases is what happened immediately

which is what happened when you fell or

when the incident happened so we always

urge clients that the first thing you

need to do is really document what

happened and what caused your fall

because if you don’t prove that the the

defendant the property owner the

landowner and their insurance company

are going to say well that really isn’t

the way it was etc etc and a good

example is that we had a case where a

gentleman had a horrendous leg multiple

fractures of a leg slipping and falling

on Ice a couple miles from here and he

was with his girlfriend at the time and

she took pictures that showed not only

where he fell but where the area was not

properly maintained in terms of plowing

and everything those pictures were the

difference between getting him a

recovery and not because we were able to

show that they clearly had not plowed or

cleared the area and it was in the

parking lot of an apartment house they

hadn’t done what they were supposed to

do and with those pictures we were able

to get testimony from the people who

plowed who were instructed not to clean

certain areas and It ultimately resulted

in an award for him so yes you need to

document things as soon as you can

because a lot of times the conditions

that cause injuries on a premises uh you

know where you slip and fall or that

type of thing those conditions go away

real quick and then it becomes he said

she said or you didn’t tell me that then

but a picture

is going to tell us everything

Havertown, PA personal injury attorney Daniel J. Siegel talks about the biggest challenges he faces in premises liability cases.

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