Estate Planning Basics Attorney in Havertown, Pennsylvania

How much will it cost to have my estate plan created?

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we are proud that you know we’re the

neighborhood lawyers we have been in

this location now first since I started

17 years but I did it to be a

neighborhood lawyer as well as handling

all of the other types of matters and

cases when you’re dealing with estate

planning though it’s typically your

neighbors people like you and me who are

interested in making sure that they have

a plan for their assets typically that

means what happens to your stuff quote

unquote when you pass as well as making

sure that you have Arrangements what we

call a living will in case or when

you’re in a terminal condition also you

have a power of attorney which allows

someone to handle your Affairs in the

event you’re unable to for a physical or

mental disability and also do you have

all of the other documents you may need

if you’re not in a traditional

relationship there may be other things

so for us estate planning is looking at

a whole range of issues preparing the

group of documents but we do something

here that is unique we have a one-time

fee that we charge depending on the

nature of what we’re preparing for

either you or you and your spouse or

your partner whomever it is and when you

pay that fee

um you pay a one-time fee if you need

changes in the documents if you need

something revised you need to add you

know someone to your will you want to

get your money or your stuff uh whatever

it is we don’t charge for revisions and

that’s unique but what we find is that

clients have those needs it often

doesn’t take us a long time to do those

revisions and we’re happy to do it and

we have clients who call us after 10 15

years to make changes so it’s a one-time

uh fee depending on the nature of what

we do and you never have to think about

oh my God I’m calling the lawyer how

much is it going to cost me for this

change or that at because when you’re

worried about your estate which means

worried about your next of kin and

what’s going to happen the last thing

you should be worrying about is oh is

there going to be a nickel and dime

charge from my lawyer

Havertown, PA estate planning attorney Daniel J. Siegel explains his unique pricing for creating an estate plan.

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