Medical Malpractice Attorney in San Francisco, California

What are some reasons doctors fail to make a proper diagnosis?

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they at times



failure they kind of failed to walk

through a diagnostic algorithm that

they’re all trained to do they learn it

very early on in their in medical school

in their residency and fellowship

programs I found over the years that

that a lot of those failure to diagnose

cases are when the physician kind of

gets offline from that algorithm and and

you know and there’s what this you know

obviously it’s a medicines that aren’t

into science but there’s a lot of

science to it and sometimes

um Physicians for whatever reason won’t

run through the proper you know

diagnostic algorithms for example and I

always like to compare it to like


airline travel right every time a

plane’s going to take off the Pilot’s

check every possible system they run

through every algorithm the computer

systems they redundant systems they

check everything and that’s why you see

very few planes falling out of the sky

uh in my opinion but in medicine you

know sometimes those things don’t occur

people don’t follow those diagnostic

Pathways and that’s where we end up with

further diagnosed cases and lawsuits and

settlements and jury verdicts foreign

San Francisco, CA medical malpractice attorney Jeff Mitchell discusses some reasons doctors fail to make a proper diagnosis. In cases of failure to diagnose, healthcare providers sometimes deviate from established diagnostic algorithms that they are trained in from early in their medical education. These algorithms are based on sound medical science and are designed to guide physicians in reaching accurate diagnoses. However, over the years, it has become apparent that many failure-to-diagnose cases occur when physicians diverge from these established algorithms for various reasons.

An analogy that often comes to mind is that of airline travel. Pilots meticulously check every system and run through various algorithms and safety checks before a plane takes off. This rigorous adherence to protocols contributes to the safety of air travel. Similarly, in medicine, following diagnostic pathways and protocols is crucial. However, there are instances when healthcare providers fail to do so, leading to cases of misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, and, subsequently, medical malpractice lawsuits, settlements, and jury verdicts.

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