Medical Malpractice Attorney in San Francisco, California

How do you typically approach negotiations and settlements in surgical malpractice cases?

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those cases are

on the one hand you’ll have cases that

are a solely a technique case where the

physician uses a technique that was not

warranted under the circumstances are

not appropriate another aspect of a

surgical malpractice case you need to

evaluate is whether or not there’s a

failure to follow up and and determine

what uh the outcome is of the surgery

and if there’s any potential problems

that manifest uh postoperatively and

then you know you you treat the

negotiation of those cases like any

other Mal practice case you’re assessing

the strengths um and liabilities of your

case and also the defense’s case so the

the defense and surgical MAP practice

case always wants to argue well you know

lightning can hit you on the operating

room table we’re really sorry that’s

obviously not the state of the law or

medicine but that’s something that you

you hear and I’ve heard for 25 years but

in terms of settling those cases uh you

have to kind of figure out where where

the bones are buried whether it’s a

technique case a consent case or a

post-operative follow-up case I mean

there’s all sorts of Dimensions to that

San Francisco, CA medical malpractice attorney Jeff Mitchell discusses how he typically approaches negotiations and settlements in surgical malpractice cases. In surgical malpractice cases, there are several key dimensions to evaluate. Firstly, some cases revolve around the technique used by the physician during the surgery. In these instances, it’s essential to determine whether the technique employed was warranted and appropriate given the circumstances.

Another critical aspect to consider in surgical malpractice cases is whether there was a failure to follow up after the surgery. This includes evaluating the patient’s postoperative outcome and identifying any potential problems that may have arisen.

In the negotiation of these cases, the attorney must assess the strengths and weaknesses of their client’s case, as well as the defense’s position. Defense arguments in surgical malpractice cases may attempt to downplay the physician’s responsibility by comparing the adverse outcome to a rare and unforeseeable event, such as a lightning strike. While such arguments are not reflective of the prevailing standards in law and medicine, they are occasionally presented.

Ultimately, resolving surgical malpractice cases involves delving into the specifics of the case, whether it’s related to surgical technique, informed consent, or post-operative care, to determine the strengths and weaknesses on both sides.

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