International Divorce Attorney in Portland, Oregon

What is an international divorce?

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so an international divorce is is a

broad concept that commonly refers to a

divorce in which the parties have a

significant connection or significant

relationship with one or more countries

and so when a divorcing couple has a

connection to multiple countries you

have to look at various factors so where

are the parties primarily residing where

do the children reside um where are they

domiciled where were the parties married

and have they spent significant amount

of time abroad do the parties own assets

um or real property in multiple

countries um what is their citizenship

and immigration status do they have a

marital agreement or a foreign agreement

um that dictates where the divorce

should be held or or or which law should

apply so these are all various

International components that lend

themselves to you know con today an

international divorce

Portland, OR family law attorney Jessica Flint talks about international divorce.

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