How to hire a Personal Injury Attorney in St Paul, Minnesota

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The railroad has a lawyer. The railroad has experience claims people that have hotlines and messages that go out immediately when someone reports an accident so they’re going to be represented. Since you work on what’s called a contingent fee, a lawyer works on a contingent fee, you don’t pay a lawyer unless they win and so it’s almost like why do you have fire insurance for your house? You don’t expect a fire but if you do have a fire and something catastrophic is going to occur you want protection. So why not consult with a lawyer and find out if you have a case that you need that protection on. And frankly, a good lawyer will tell you this is something you can handle yourself, this is something you don’t need a lawyer for and give you advice on how to handle your claim if it’s a type of claim that you can handle yourself. But the only way to find that out is to call a lawyer early on and find out what your rights are.

Saint Paul railroad employee injury attorney William Jungbauer explains when an injured railroader needs a lawyer.

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