Expungement Attorney in Morristown, New Jersey

Who can get a New Jersey expungement?

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individuals during their youth uh he or

she may have had some indiscretions

getting them involved with the criminal

justice system so it’s a great idea to

clean up your record uh if you can by

use of an expungement if that’s the case

but frankly anyone especially those but

not just those especially those with one

offense in the past or one criminal act

in the past one criminal conviction

should try to clear their record for the

purposes I mentioned before there are

certain crimes that there’s uh the

expungement is not permitted for those

are enumerated they they stretch down

from for instance homicide down to

certain fraud related offenses but for

most convictions in New Jersey

uh of a third degree or less which I can

explain at another time an expungement

is allowed if there are multiple

convictions that is another bar too if

there’s multiple indictable convictions

that can sometimes preclude a successful

expungement but anyone looking to to be

able to honestly report to a federal

authority to anyone a police Authority

law enforcement

truthfully that they’ve never been

arrested or convicted of a crime after

expungement it’s deemed to be a truthful

statement because it is for all

practical purposes wiped off your

official record

Morristown, NJ criminal defense lawyer Blair R. Zwillman discusses who can get a New Jersey expungement.

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