Expungement Attorney in Morristown, New Jersey

What is expungement in New Jersey?

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expungements are basically the uh wiping

out of a criminal history for purposes

of any public inquiry meaning that once

you obtain a court-ordered expungement

there will be no ability when that final

order of expungement is entered and the

entities that have to comply with the

court order remove any reference to the

arrest or conviction involved after that

time period you can actually honestly a

defendant can honor a person can

honestly answer a question under oath

stating that they’ve never been arrested

or convicted of a crime so it’s

obviously important in terms of

employment issues it’s employment in

terms of important in terms of teaching

it’s important in terms of many

professions and it’s a process in New

Jersey that a specific period of time

after the conviction or convictions is

required in order that that it be filed

the time period within which an

expungement petition must be filed

varies with the offense although

typically if it’s an indictable offense

which is a more serious type of offense

it’s at least a five-year period and at

that time a petition for expungement can

be filed and there’s many criteria that

a lawyer must include in that petition

if it’s determined ahead of time that

the client probably qualifies for an


Morristown, NJ criminal defense lawyer Blair R. Zwillman explains how expungement works in New Jersey.

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