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so in Colorado you have a few options
when a party is refusing to follow a
court order or violating a court order
the contempt process is basically the
Court’s ability to enforce and or
potentially punish a party for their
failure to abide by the Court’s orders
often that means that you will have to
file a motion for contempt with the
court demonstrating that number one the
um you know there is an order in place
that says that they’re supposed to
comply that they fail to comply with
that order and that they have the you
know ability to comply and the court in
Colorado has their two different types
of contempt sanctions available one is
remedial sanctions
um and the other are punitive sanctions
punitive sanctions are potential jail
time remedial can be anything from fines
to making sure that the party complies
with the orders entering new orders but
the contempt process is really the
Court’s ability to enforce its orders
not always is it the best Avenue for
clients but sometimes that is the best
option to make sure that somebody is
doing what they’re supposed to do
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Denver, CO family law attorney Chelsea Augelli discusses how does contempt process work in Colorado. She explains that in Colorado, when a party refuses to follow or violates a court order, there are several options available. One of these options is the contempt process, which allows the court to enforce and, if necessary, punish a party for their non-compliance with court orders. To initiate the contempt process, a motion for contempt must be filed with the court, demonstrating that there is a valid court order in place, the party has failed to comply with the order, and they have the ability to comply.
In Colorado, there are two types of contempt sanctions: remedial sanctions and punitive sanctions. Remedial sanctions can include fines or measures aimed at ensuring compliance, such as issuing new orders. On the other hand, punitive sanctions can involve potential jail time. It’s important to note that the contempt process may not always be the ideal solution for clients, but in some cases, it may be the best option to ensure that individuals adhere to their obligations as outlined in court orders.