Employment Plaintiff Basics Attorney in Brooklyn, New York

If I complain or file a complaint, do I risk being fired?

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a lot of employees ask themselves the

question if they will be retaliated

against if they actually complain uh

regarding what happened to them at a

workplace um and the simple answer is no

there’s no way that employ that an

employer can retaliate against you for

actually pursuing what your rights are

as an employee if retaliation occurs it

actually gives you ground for an even

bigger compensation however these cases

are incredibly fact specific so before a

client actually decides that they were

discriminated against and that they’re

they have the right to sue it would be

really good to discuss that with an

attorney perhaps even before you bring

it to your own hr department because you

know if you bring it to your hr

department may be irreversible however

if you speak with an attorney

consultations are usually free and they

can tell you if the facts that you

uh were participating in actually give

rise to to litigation but there should

be no retaliation if those facts do give

rise to litigation there should be no

retaliation and actually proper

procedure should be followed when it

comes to handling an employee that’s

complaining of being discriminated


Brooklyn, NY labor & employment attorney Nicole Brencki explains whether or not you can be fired for filing a complaint.

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