Child Support Attorney in Naperville, Illinois

How is child support determined in Illinois?

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Illinois has a income shares system

right so it used to be a percentage a

lot of people were familiar with that

one child is 20 of your not you have two

children is 28 of your net of the

obligor obligor being the one who’s

paying we don’t do that anymore in

Illinois a couple years back they

changed it to where uh it they look at

both of the party’s incomes and then

they look at the amount of time of

overnights that each parent has per year

now the parent that does not have the

majority time

they would need to reach 146 overnights

per year in order to achieve what they

call shared parenting time obviously 146

is not half of 365. that is just the

date the legislator legislature picked

was the 146 overnight so the obligor the

person paying would pay the same if they

had zero overnights all the way to 145

overnights they pay exactly the same

once they hit 146 that’s when it becomes

shared and that obligation is going to

decrease quite a bit and then for every

single night they have on top of that

147 148 149 all the way up to 50 50

being 182 183

that amount they pay is going to be less

and less and less for obvious reasons

they have the child more and more if

parties have the children 50 50. then

they’re probably not paying much child

support with that said it will take into

account their income as well so if you

have you know someone who makes 300 000

and someone’s a stay-at-home mom

even if they have 50 50 the person who

makes a quite a bit more still going to

be paying child support

Naperville, IL family law attorney Melissa Kuffel discusses how child support is determined in Illinois. She explains that Illinois follows an income shares system for calculating child support. In the past, a fixed percentage of the obligor’s income was used based on the number of children. However, the system has been updated. Now, both parents’ incomes and the amount of time each parent spends with the child are considered.

In order to achieve shared parenting time, the parent without majority custody needs to have at least 146 overnights per year. Once this threshold is met, the child support obligation decreases significantly. For every additional overnight, the amount of child support paid decreases further. This continues up to a 50-50 arrangement, where the obligation is typically minimal.

However, the income of each parent is still taken into account, even in cases of shared parenting time. For example, if one parent earns $300,000 per year while the other is a stay-at-home parent, the higher-earning parent will still be responsible for paying child support, albeit likely a reduced amount due to shared parenting time.

It’s important to note that the specific calculations may vary depending on the circumstances of the case and the guidelines set by the court.

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