Child Support Attorney in Hingham, Massachusetts

How do the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines work?

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child support in Massachusetts is based

on a set of guidelines the guidelines

were developed by judges attorneys

financial planners and the guidelines

take into consideration the party’s

gross incomes it also looks at what the

parties pay for health insurance and if

there are any prior support orders for

other families

once the court determines what the

income is from both parties there’s a

formula that calculates out what the

non-custodial parent will pay to the

custodial parent

in Massachusetts in order to get child

support you don’t have to be the primary

custodial parent If the parents are

sharing custody in one party is making

more than the other there are cases

where there’s still going to be child

support even though the parents have

essentially 50 50 custody and that’s

where the guidelines come in it will

take the monies that they have as a

whole divide it up between the parties

and make sure that the children have

what they need with respect to finances

from their parents

Hingham, MA family law attorney Carmela M. Miraglia explains how the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines work.

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