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One of the things that we do is we handle significant automobile accident cases, involving people that have been seriously injured or affected by an automobile accident that was caused by somebody else’s negligence, their inattentiveness. One of the things that we all see, you’re driving down the street, and somebody’s going slow, and you’re thinking, “Why are you going so slow?” And you turn, and you go around them, and it’s because they’re on their phone, or they’re reading a book, or they’re putting their makeup on.
It’s unfortunate that we are such a distracted society, but that distraction comes at a price, and that price is serious injuries to people in automobiles who are driving down the street. And so, we see more and more automobile accidents, and cases involving people who are seriously injured, oftentimes, because somebody has been inattentive, looking at a cell phone or some other type of device.
One of the things that I think is important in our society is to realize it’s okay to put that down. In the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, even the ’90s, we didn’t have them. We weren’t driving with these things in our hand, and to wait a half-hour, 45 minutes in order to respond to that phone, it’s a safer thing.
Los Angeles, CA complex litigation attorney Raymond Boucher talks about typical automobile accident cases he sees and the causes of them. He explains that at our firm, we specialize in handling significant automobile accident cases where individuals have suffered severe injuries or been impacted by accidents caused by someone else’s negligence or lack of attention. It’s a common scenario we encounter on the road: you’re driving along, and there’s a vehicle ahead moving slowly, making you wonder why. As you pass by, you often discover that the driver is distracted by their phone, engrossed in a book, or even applying makeup.
Unfortunately, our society has become increasingly distracted, and this distraction comes at a cost—the safety and well-being of people on the road. Consequently, we are witnessing a rising number of automobile accidents and cases involving individuals who have suffered severe injuries due to the inattentiveness of others preoccupied with their phones or other devices.
One crucial aspect we emphasize is the importance of recognizing that it is perfectly acceptable to put these distractions aside. In the past decades, when mobile phones were not as prevalent, we managed just fine without them while driving. Taking the safer route of waiting thirty minutes or even forty-five minutes before attending to a phone call can make a significant difference in ensuring road safety.