About The Family Law Firms Attorney in New York, New York

About Jewell Law

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our area of practice includes

matrimonial and family law

so we’re essentially talking about the

world of divorce

child custody

child support

spousal support

and property division there are

sometimes instances where maybe an order

of protection is needed because there is

more physical

altercations let’s say between the

couple then we do handle that but in the

most part

it’s divorce child custody child support

spousal support and property division


we believe in providing the clients with

a very high level of service that means

that we answer emails within 24 hours if

not less usually the same day

we respond to all telephone calls and

telephone messages the same day or

within 24 hours

we also believe in putting things in

english understanding that family law

and matrimonial law can be very

complicated with filled with legalese

and legal expressions and nuances we

look to break down every aspect of the

law in user-friendly english so that the

client fully understands what it is

that they’re deciding and how

they want to proceed

NY family law attorney Ken Jewell talks about the cases his firm handles as well as the level of service they provide to their clients.

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