About the Estate Planning and Probate Firms Attorney in Niles, Illinois

About Zivkovich Law Offices

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what makes my firm different from other

law firms is that we really focus on the

details for people I hear that all the

time when I talk to my clients they say

I’ve never been asked that before I’ve

never thought about that before I’ve

talked to other lawyers and they never

told me about that before so I really

feel like the thing that stands out when

I talk with people is that we focus on a

lot of details that maybe other

attorneys or other firms are not

familiar with or accustomed to asking

about and I think that my clients really



that when someone hires a lawyer I think

it’s really really important that you

have a connection with that lawyer when

you talk to them and when you meet with

them if you can understand what they’re

saying if you’re comfortable in their

presence if you are feeling free to ask

questions and they’re responding to you

in a way that you can understand then

that’s really important because this is

someone that’s going to be guiding you

and also explaining to you what is

happening and if you don’t feel that in

the beginning it’s not going to get any

better so I really think that’s

something important that everybody

should be aware

Niles, IL estates & probate attorney Dana Zivkovich talks about what makes her firm different and what you should look for in hiring an attorney. What sets the firm apart from others is its meticulous attention to detail. Clients often express their surprise at being asked questions and considerations they hadn’t encountered elsewhere. This emphasis on the finer points distinguishes the firm in the eyes of its clients. When hiring an attorney, establishing a connection is crucial. Understanding their guidance, feeling comfortable in their presence, and being able to freely ask questions and receive comprehensible responses are vital aspects of this relationship. This initial rapport is a foundation for effective legal guidance and communication.

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