About the Commercial Litigation Firms Attorney in Scottsdale, Arizona

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I started

Law School

thinking that the only thing lawyers did

was try cases

I watched Perry Mason in the 1950s I was

born in the 1940s

so my television fair in the 1950s was

Perry Mason so I knew what lawyers did

they go to court

my degree is in economics I was in a

master’s degree a program in econometric


when I met my wife and couldn’t explain

to her what an economist did

and so Brigham Young University started

a brand new law school

that after I graduated

my wife talked me into being in that

Charter class

and I became a lawyer

well I had an economics background I had

written a a workbook that BYU used in

its MBA program to teach economics

microeconomics to MBA students

so I did business law

and I wanted to go to the courtroom

so since I’ve begun my practice the only

thing I have done is business cases

commercial cases cases that involve

experts like economists and accountants

because I know that those disciplines

and a witness cannot run away from me on

the witness stand if they occur outside

the lines I’m I’m going to know it and

so it’s commercial cases that typically

involve accountants they typically

involve economists if we’re talking

about future pro profits in a business

that was put out of business then we’re

doing Net Present discount calculations

all of which I know how to do

but I also have my experts make sure

that they have airtight opinions you

know using for example geometric means

instead of arithmetic means to do

discount calculations which are far more

accurate so I do commercial cases that’s

one major sector of what I do

the other thing that I do is Aviation


the reason that I got into that is

because I am a commercially rated pilot

I have a commercial pilot’s license

I own my own airplane

I’ve flown all over the United States to

Canada to Mexico I use the plane in my

practice because it’s cheaper less

expensive and my computer equipment is

safer and naturally knowing the federal

air regulations

I have a leg up on lawyers who have to

start from scratch and they don’t know

what the fars are or what a PMA part is

or the regulations that attend this most

regulated of all Industries so those are

my two areas of practice commercial work

and Aviation work

Scottsdale, AZ commercial litigation attorney Daryl Williams discusses the types of cases his firm handles. He explains that when I entered law school, my perception of lawyers was largely shaped by watching Perry Mason in the 1950s. As someone with an economics background and a degree in econometric theory, I struggled to explain to my wife what economists actually did. It was at that time that Brigham Young University established a new law school, and my wife convinced me to join the charter class. Thus, I embarked on a legal career.

Given my economics background, I naturally gravitated towards business law. I had previously authored a workbook on microeconomics used in BYU’s MBA program. Since the start of my practice, my focus has been on business and commercial cases. These often involve experts such as economists and accountants, and I find great satisfaction in these complex matters. I am well-versed in the disciplines of economics and accounting, allowing me to effectively cross-examine witnesses and uncover any inconsistencies.

In commercial cases, particularly those dealing with future profits or damages, I employ calculations such as net present value discounts to ensure accuracy. I also leverage my knowledge of geometric means, which provide more precise results than arithmetic means. This attention to detail helps me build strong cases.

Apart from my work in commercial law, I have a keen interest in aviation. As a commercially rated pilot with my own airplane, I have flown extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Incorporating aviation into my practice has been beneficial, as it allows for cost-effective and secure travel to various locations. Moreover, my deep understanding of the federal air regulations gives me an advantage over other lawyers who are unfamiliar with the intricate rules and regulations governing the aviation industry.

Thus, my legal practice primarily revolves around commercial cases and aviation matters, drawing upon my expertise in economics, accounting, and aviation regulations. These two areas of law fuel my passion and provide diverse and challenging opportunities in my career.

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