About the Commercial Litigation Firms Attorney in Scottsdale, Arizona

What sets Williams Commercial Law Group apart?

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I think the answer to that requires just

a little bit of History because I

started at a very large law firm and did

not like sort of the totem pole

political aspects of that firm so then I

started my own law firm and that grew to

about a 15-man law firm and then I

realized that I was pulling a wagon that

a lot of people were writing in

So eventually I paired down to where now

it’s just me me and my staff

I have an excellent paralegal and

excellent Legal Assistant who can tap

out on the keyboard all of my dictation

and uh I call her my Bombardier

because she’s the one who drops

everything into the court

we are a well-oiled machine we know how

to go to the courtroom

I’ve tried well over a hundred trials

most of those jury trials and I know how

to do it

I don’t delegate things except in my

paralegal who prepares my chronologies

which makes me quite different than

other law firms because for each case

I prepare

the chronology

from the Inception of the case onward I

use this to manage the case

the computer screen’s behind me

are what I work with all day every day

and you can see here on my Center screen

I’ve got a chronology

that chronology allows me to take my uh

Mouse and click on one of these

documents and it appears on the screen

by me

and once it appears on the screen by me

I can then do

any annotation of it that I want I can

get it ready for trial and uh do what

needs to be done with the documents

so that when I go to the courtroom and

present it to the jury using this

electronic presentation method they get


when I started practicing law in 1976

juries read documents they don’t read

them today

so if you don’t have an electronic


then you are not practicing law

consistent with what the juries today


and you need to be able to run the

equipment yourself as the lawyer in my

opinion because it comes off more

smoothly more elegantly and more


so what I’ve got is a well-oiled machine

people assisting me who know what they

do we are prepared for trial

long before the trial begins and once we

get to trial it’s downhill

because we’re ready for that trial and I

prepare for trial from the very first


now these chronologies as you can see

have barcodes on them

and the screen here on my right is uh


of what the jury sees in the courtroom

and so what I’ve got here is I can bring


a document like that that’s what the

jury sees

now I’ve deposed someone about this

particular document so

here’s uh here’s the deposition right




I’ll be don’t worry I’ll make this work

here it is

so I’m now on the Court Road I’m staring

at the podium I’m gonna play this

there’s the deponent

and I’m showing him the documents and it

comes up on the screen you know so zero

zero zero seven three what I can do is I

can stop that at any time

I can blow up a particular part of that

for the jury to see

I can annotate that on the Fly

so that I can underscore for the jury

what is important for me about that case

and if you’re not preparing your case

like this

if you’re not ahead of the documents

then you are doing a disservice to your

clients I don’t know of any other lawyer

who prepares their cases in advance like

this and that’s kind of what sets me


from other law firms

Scottsdale, AZ commercial litigation attorney Daryl Williams discusses what sets Williams Commercial Law Group apart from other firms. He explains that to understand my approach, it’s important to consider my journey. I began my legal career at a large law firm but soon grew disillusioned with the hierarchical and political dynamics. This prompted me to establish my own firm, which eventually grew to include 15 team members. However, I realized that I was shouldering much of the workload while others rode along. As a result, I made the decision to streamline and now operate with just myself and a highly competent staff.

Within my team, I have an excellent paralegal and a skilled legal assistant whom I affectionately call my Bombardier because she efficiently handles all document submissions to the court. We function as a well-oiled machine, adept at navigating the courtroom. With over a hundred trials under my belt, mostly jury trials, I possess extensive experience and know-how in litigation. I prefer to handle tasks personally rather than delegate, except for the preparation of chronologies, which my paralegal expertly manages.

Unlike many other law firms, I adopt a distinctive practice of meticulously preparing a chronology for each case, documenting its evolution from inception onward. This chronology serves as a valuable tool for case management. Displayed on the computer screens behind me, I can easily access any document related to the case by clicking on it within the chronology. This feature allows me to annotate, prepare documents for trial, and seamlessly present them to the jury using electronic presentation methods.

In the past, juries used to read documents, but times have changed. Present-day juries expect electronic presentations, and thus, being well-versed in utilizing the equipment myself, I ensure a smooth, elegant, and convincing courtroom experience. My approach aligns with jury expectations, and it enables me to deliver a persuasive and impactful presentation.

With my well-coordinated team, we are thoroughly prepared for trial well in advance. This preparation includes the use of barcoded chronologies, which are integral to the visual displays presented to the jury. The screen on my right reflects what the jury sees in the courtroom, allowing me to bring up documents and even deposition videos to highlight critical aspects of the case. I have the flexibility to pause, zoom in on specific details, and provide real-time annotations to emphasize important points for the jury.

My commitment to advanced case preparation and utilization of technology sets me apart from other law firms. By staying ahead of the documents and diligently organizing my cases, I provide a high level of service to my clients. I believe this proactive approach is essential and ensures that I am well-prepared to present a strong and compelling case in the courtroom.

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