Workers Compensation Attorney in Arden Hills, Minnesota

What is a Notice of Intent to Discontinue benefits (NOID)?

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A Notice of Intent to Discontinue Benefits or NOID is a form that the insurance company can use to discontinue your wage-loss benefits.  Whether that’s temporary total disability benefits, wage-loss benefits that you get while you’re totally off work, or temporary partial disability benefits, benefits that you get while you’re working but at a reduced earning capacity.  That form will come to you in the mail and will tell you why they’re discontinuing your benefits.

It’s very important that you follow the timeframe on the form for responding to that request.  If you miss that timeframe, you can be out of luck and out of benefits for a significant amount of time.  So follow that form carefully, it will tell you right on there what the timeframe is.  And call an attorney.

Minnesota Workers’ Compensation attorney, Dana Gerber, discusses a Notice of Intent to Discontinue benefits.

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