How to hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Arden Hills, Minnesota

How should an injured person go about hiring a lawyer?

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That’s a very important thing that everyone should consider, because as an attorney, you’re going to have that relationship for years potentially.  And so, it’s important to do your research up front.  Just like choosing a doctor, you should put the same type of research into choosing a lawyer.  Things like looking on their website, looking and seeing what their Avvo rating is, whether they’ve been nominated by their peers as a super lawyer, one of the top attorneys in their field.  All of these things are important.

But just like anything, the most important thing is your gut.  Do you feel that you can trust this person?  Do you feel that you can like this person?  Do you feel that when you ask a question, they really put the time in to answer it?  Those are the things you should consider when hiring an attorney.

Minnesota Workers’ Compensation attorney, Dana Gerber, talks about how you should go about hiring a lawyer if you are injured.

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