Workers’ Compensation Basics Attorney in Tampa, Florida

What should I do if my employer or carrier denies my workers’ compensation claim?

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if the claim is denied you should

definitely seek legal counsel to talk

about the reasons for the denial and the

bigger question which is whether that

denial should be challenged when a claim

is denied the way that denial is

challenged is either by providing

additional evidence to the employer

carrier or by filing a petition for

benefits with the court and seeking to

force the employer carrier to authorize

those benefits

Tampa, FL workers’ compensation Mark Lee discusses what to do if your employer or carrier denies you workers’ compensation claim. He explains that if your claim is denied, it is recommended that you seek legal advice to discuss the reasons for the denial and whether or not you should challenge it. If you choose to challenge the denial, you can do so by submitting additional evidence to the employer or carrier, or by filing a petition for benefits with the court to compel the employer or carrier to approve those benefits.


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