Theft Attorney in Winona, Minnesota

Common Types of Theft Cases

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That’ a good question. We probably handle more criminal cases than, my gut tells me anyone between here and St. Paul. Theft cases, it’s hard to kick a person who is so desperate that they have to steal. Most of the time those are workout cases, we just handled one where our client took, I think, $20,000.00 from the store. And I believe rather than embarrass the store we settled that case for a stay of adjudication where the lady would pay the money back. So theft cases, the routine theft cases, the easy case to work out or try.

Winona, MN Criminal Defense Attorney J.P. Plachecki discusses the various theft cases his firm has handled. When it comes to handling criminal cases, they likely manage a higher volume than any firm situated between their location and St. Paul. Addressing theft cases brings forth complex considerations—dealing with individuals driven to desperate measures due to their circumstances. Frequently, these instances are resolved through negotiations, given the underlying motivations. A recent case serves as an illustration: their client had taken approximately $20,000 from a store. Rather than subjecting the store to public scrutiny, a resolution was achieved through a stay of adjudication. This outcome entailed an agreement for the individual to repay the amount. The routine nature of such theft cases often facilitates smoother negotiations or trial proceedings.

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