Pre and Post-Nuptial Agreements Attorney in Los Angeles, California

What is a postnuptial agreement?

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post-nuptial agreements are essentially

prenuptial agreements that for whatever

reason a married couple didn’t get

around to doing or didn’t ask or didn’t

want to do before they got married

perhaps they recognized they needed it

after perhaps it was a sensitive

a sensitive situation that they didn’t

want to address beforehand but got

around to discussing after but it’s the

same force and effect post just referred

to it’s after your nuptials it’s after

you got married but the terms are


treated the same as a prenup a prenup

would change the laws of the state of

california and how are you going to

treat property and potentially spousal

support a post up does the exact same

thing the only difference is the

contract was entered into after you got

married versus before

Los Angeles, CA family law attorney Eric Meyer explains how a postnuptial agreement works.

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