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What is a writ of mandamus lawsuit and how is it used in immigration cases?

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a riddimandamus is an extraordinary tool

that our firm uses and that I have

extensive experience in it’s a lawsuit

against the federal government uh in in

our case typically USCIS or U.S

immigration or the Department of Justice

if you’re dealing with an embassy and it

states that the delay that U.S

immigration or the Department of Justice

is has caused in someone’s case is

unreasonable and it asks the court to

intervene to force U.S immigration to

issue a decision on your case so what

does that ultimately mean it’s a lawsuit

against the U.S government that forces

U.S immigration to make a decision on

your case in a timely manner

unfortunately in Immigration there’s

unbelievable backlogs and delays and

people often grow increasingly

frustrated when their case has been

pending for a year two years even months

in some cases unfortunately there’s not

much that we can do in terms of calling

immigration or emailing immigration to

get and the answers and decisions that

we need so we resort to the federal

courts we file these lawsuits against

U.S immigration and they are remarkable

uh in that you typically get a decision

within 60 days so something you’ve been

waiting for for years and there’s no end

in sight you file this lawsuit and um

and you get a decision so it’s wonderful

in that regard one thing that a lot of

people ask about and clients are

hesitant about using this tool for is

they’re concerned that there’s

consequences certainly

one could reasonably think that if you

filed a lawsuit against the US

government there’s gonna they’re gonna

retaliate against you for doing so but

it’s actually written into the law that

there are there can be no retaliation

for filing these lawsuits in the over a

decade of filing these these lawsuits

I’ve never once seen a retaliation by the government

Philadelphia, PA immigration attorney Christopher M. Casazza explains what a writ of mandamus lawsuit is and how is it used in immigration cases.

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