Meet the Family Law Attorneys Attorney in Portland, Oregon

Meet Tate Justesen

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the most rewarding aspect of this

practice uh I think is helping people

through one of the toughest most

challenging emotional Financial Times of

their lives sometimes when people come

to me and at the end of a case and it’s

been whether it’s a difficult case or an

easier case it’s I tell people divorce

is never a good process even the most um

straightforward simple low emotion

divorce is still a terrible process to

go through if you’re the individual

going through it so when I get done with

the case and people tell me the

heartfelt thank you for helping me

through this or I’ve even had somebody

tell me you know thank you for making my

life better you know that’s a very

rewarding part of this practice when you

can help somebody through and get

through the other

side I’ve been on some attorney boards

um in the past but I’ve learned that in

terms of the most rewarding service the

community I have done um is my pro bono

work we’re all encouraged to do prob

bono work as attorneys and give back to

the community and so I try to serve um

at least a couple times a year as a

child’s attorney or children’s attorney

through the MoMA County um child

representation project so in Oregon if a

child would like an attorney

representing them in their parents

divorce case they can write a letter to

the judge and under organ statute the

judge must appoint an attorney to

represent the child or a judge can just

on their own motion appoint an attorney

for the child so I have signed up over

the years numerous times to represent

minor children in their parents divorce

that’s my form of giving back to the

community because I think it’s the most

effective in terms of time spent and the

effect that you can have on somebody and

their life is probably the the biggest

bang for your buck on that

Portland, OR family law attorney Tate Justesen talks about the most rewarding aspect of his practice and his service to the community.

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