Lead Paint Poisening Attorney in New York, New York

Where and how is lead paint ingested?

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I mean believe it or not the
Williamsburg Bridge here in the city of
New York they underwent a renovation
with scraping years ago scraping and
repainting and the scraping caus
tremendous dust and particles in the air
and many people around where they live
in the Williamsburg Bridge complained
and got lead tested and there were
significant levels of lead so you can
get it from any anywhere and everywhere
uh water you can get it from your
apartment you can get it from when
there’s a renovation going on even if
you if it’s not your apartment if
there’s a renovation in the hallway
which the building that you live you can
inhale it as you’re walking to and from
any place that you go you can have lead

New York, NY personal injury attorney Robert Vilensky talks about where and how lead paint is ingested. The Williamsburg Bridge in New York City recently underwent a renovation that involved scraping and repainting. This process generated significant dust and particles in the air, prompting numerous complaints from local residents. Many of these individuals sought lead testing, and the results indicated substantial levels of lead exposure.

Lead can originate from various sources, including water, apartment interiors, and renovations. Even if the renovation is not occurring within a resident’s apartment, work being conducted in shared spaces, such as hallways, can result in lead inhalation as residents navigate to and from their homes. This exposure poses a risk of lead poisoning.

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