Lead Paint Poisening Attorney in New York, New York

What damages can be recovered in a lead paint poisoning case?

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we’ve recovered Millions for lots of
people I mean if you think think about
being um not able to sit still your
entire life I mean this is what happens
to these young kids they go to school
they fall behind they don’t go to
college they lose out on everything so
you know we can recover substantial
damage millions of dollars for these
children who are significantly lead
poisoned depending on the amount of uh
that they’ve ingested the lead or inheld
the lead I mean the higher the number in
terms of the lead I mean I’ve had
children that are 200 200 is massive uh
they have to undergo what we call
chelation therapy which is like an IV to
get it out a system it’s almost like
chemotherapy we can recover lots of
money and even if even if they’re not as
bad we can recover less but still

New York, NY personal injury attorney Robert Vilensky talks about the damages that can be recovered in a lead paint poisoning case. Millions have been recovered for numerous individuals affected by lead poisoning. The impact of being unable to sit still throughout childhood significantly affects many young children facing this issue. They often struggle in school, fall behind, and may miss out on college and other opportunities. Substantial damages can be sought for these children, often amounting to millions of dollars, depending on the level of lead exposure they have experienced. For instance, a blood lead level of 200 is considered extremely high and may require chelation therapy, a treatment similar to chemotherapy that aids in removing lead from the body. Even in cases of less severe poisoning, it remains possible to recover significant amounts of money for the affected children.

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