Drug Crimes Attorney in Minneapolis, Minnesota

What possible defenses might be raised in a drug case?

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cases are unique in that there are a

number of different defenses that

sometimes they’re more technical legal

defenses as to say the law enforcement

didn’t investigate this properly they

can’t even show that it’s that this is a

drug they just are kind of reaching

assumptions based on fat circumstantial

factors around there frequently in drug

cases and in other cases we make motions

to the judge to the court which are

requests for the court to do something

in the case in one very crucial type of

motion in drug cases is search and

seizure motions and these are emotions

challenging evidence that the government

would use or the state would use against

the person charged with a crime so did

they search your car your house and if

so there are certain rules that they

need to follow that are technical rules

and sometimes law enforcement might try

to cut a corner or might do something in

the wrong Manner and if we can show the

judge that look they acted improperly

judge you have to exclude this evidence

and they can walk out that door

Minneapolis, MN criminal defense lawyer Ian Birrell talks about the possible defenses that might be raised in a drug case.

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