Contingency Fees Attorney in Minnetonka, Minnesota

How do contingent fees work?

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The personal injury lawyers at the Schmidt Salida law team offer to work on a contingent fee basis.

How does that work? First of all, the client doesn’t have to pay an hourly fee for the lawyer. The lawyer gets paid only upon producing a settlement. In the meantime, the lawyers contribute to or pay for the cost of the expenses of working up the case, which sometimes can be quite sizable.

It includes collecting medical bills, hiring investigators, and hiring expert witnesses, only to be compensated or reimbursed for those expenses out of the settlement.

It’s a win-win deal for the client, and quite frankly, it provides an incentive for the lawyer to work harder. The lawyer gets paid only when the lawyer produces a settlement, and the larger the settlement, the larger the contingent fee.

It’s a strong, strong incentive, and it works to the benefit of the client and the lawyer.

Hopkins, MN personal injury lawyer Douglas Schmidt explains how his firm works on a contingent fee basis.

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