Child Custody and Visitation Attorney in Hingham, Massachusetts

How does a shared physical custody order impact child support in MA?

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physical custody order can have a major

impact on child support in Massachusetts

if two parents share physical custody

that means that they have approximately

equal parenting time and if they earn

either the same amount or a similar

amount that can mean that they’ll be

little or no child support paid in

contrast if one parent is the primary

custodian that parent is going to

receive child support in most cases even

if they earn more money than the

non-custodial parent so the impact of

shared physical custody versus primary

custody to one parent

is extremely important it is the

difference between possibly having a

substantial child support order and no

child support order at all

Hingham, MA family law attorney Jason V. Owens explains how a shared physical custody order impacts child support in MA.

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