Car Accident Cases Attorney in Boston, Massachusetts

How does car accident insurance work in Massachusetts?

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well it’s been said by the highest court

of Massachusetts that understanding car

insurance is very difficult and they’ve

compared it to the uninitiated driver’s

first trip into the streets of Boston

auto accident cases require among other

things a thorough knowledge of auto

insurance which we have I’ve personally

have taught over 10 times on auto

insurance uh for other lawyers and the

reason Reon why this is so important

sometimes the facts are pretty

straightforward unfortunately sometimes

the injuries are pretty significant and

therefore straightforward but if you

have a lawyer who is not sensitive and

aware of all the different potential

insurance policies that could come into

play then you will be potentially very

poorly served by that lawyer I can

assure you that we at fineberg and Alban

know what insurance is available able

and know what insurance is potentially

available and to have your interests

represented by someone else who may not

be as sensitive is doing yourself a


Boston, MA personal injury attorney Robert Feinberg explains how car accident insurance work in Massachusetts.

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