Insurance & Personal Injury Attorney in Oakdale, Minnesota

Bringing a Claim if Underinsured

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You know the answer is you can under the right circumstances. You know agent liability claims are something that I’m seeing in my office with increased numbers over the years. People rely on their insurance agents to make sure that they’ve got the right coverage in place. To make sure that they don’t have these gaps in coverage that leave them uninsured for certain things. You know if your insurance agent has been a professional, if you have directed them to get specific coverage and they haven’t done it, if they’re not taking the time to work with you to get the limits that you’re requesting and make sure that you’re fully covered as you requested, you may have a claim against your agent. And that’s a terrible situation to be in. You know you count on your insurance company to be there when you have a catastrophic loss and when they are and you find out you don’t have the right limits or the right coverage, it’s devastating.

Oakdale, MN insurance coverage attorney, Adina Bergstrom, discusses being underinsured and what claims you can make.

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