Insurance & Personal Injury Attorney in Oakdale, Minnesota

What is an Examination Under Oath?

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I’m going to answer the second part of your question first, which is yes, you need a lawyer. What is an examination under oath? What it is its very similar to a deposition. So a court reporter takes down the testimony given by an insured, the person who holds the policy, takes down their statement in a room and usually it’s a conference room, and typically, the insurance company is going to hire a lawyer or have their claims adjuster there to ask the insured questions. And then everything is typed down, everything is stated under the oath, the same type of oath that you would take in court. And because it can be used against you in that proceeding, in any type of criminal proceeding it’s very important that you have a lawyer there to help you with your rights.

Oakdale, MN insurance coverage attorney, Adina Bergstrom, discusses an Examination under Oath.

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