Steven Schuetze

Personal Injury

About Steven Schuetze

Shernoff Bidart Echeverria

600 S. Indian Hill Blvd Claremont, California 91711

(909) 621-4935

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I’m now been an attorney for 30 years, which is sobering if you think that I’ve been an attorney longer than when I wasn’t an attorney. And in those 30 years I’ve had the opportunity to try cases in Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, and Alameda Counties. I’ve literally traveled the four corners of the United States from California to Maine; from Florida to Washington and all points in between taking depositions. I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to argue approximately two dozen cases in the court of appeals either in California state courts or the federal ninth circuit court of appeals. I’ve participated in dozens of arbitrations and I’ve been able to argue points of law on behalf of our clients before the judges and the federal and state court systems.

After 30 years of practice the most rewarding aspect of what I do is to be able to come into the office and work on cases that involve unique issues of law and the ability to have a significant impact on our clients lives as well as develop an area of law in California that assists all policyholders in payment of their claims.

The biggest piece of advice I have for clients is we understand that their case is unique to them and their experience is important to us and we want to make sure we listen to their needs and the ability to provide them a resolution of the problem that they’ve come to see us about.

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