Social Security Attorney in Tampa, Florida

What kind of medical evidence do I need to provide to support my disability claim?

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it’s best to have treatment with

Specialists however that’s not always

possible there’s kind of three pillars

to evidence in Social Security it’s what

the person says about the problem it’s

the objective testing the x-rays the

MRIs the CT scans and then it’s what the

doctor says about the person and what

the doctor says that’s really what’s the

doctor’s physical examination like so

the specialist notes typically take more

detailed notes with more physical exam

findings than say a primary care

physician so the more evidence you have

obviously the better

Tampa, FL personal injury attorney Mark Lee discusses what kind of medical evidence you need to provide to support your disability claim. He explains that ideally, treatment should be done with specialists, but that may not always be feasible. In Social Security, there are three main sources of evidence: what the person reports about their condition, objective testing such as x-rays and MRI, and what the doctor states about the individual’s condition, which is primarily based on the doctor’s physical examination. Specialists’ notes usually provide more detailed information with more physical examination findings than primary care physicians. Therefore, the more evidence available, the stronger the case.

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